27 November 2018 : « Geothermics » ( 1/2 day session with 7 presentations )

The technical session about  » GEOTERMIX / GEOTHERMIE  » to present the latest technologies in drilling, logging and log intepretation, with case studies in France , has taken place in the room Van Straelen of the SGF, 77 Rue Claude Bernard , Paris 75005, on Tuesday , November 27 2018 from 2 to 6 pm.

This technical session took place in close link with the joint EAGE/IGA/DGMK workshop on deep geothermal energy held in Strasbourg on November 8th-9th. Our session re-used some of the EAGE papers and proposes a different view focused on the drilling, logging and formation evaluation aspects.

Programme, abstracts, infos about lecturers and contributors => Attached PDF for download

14:00 – 14:05 Welcome, Safety and preliminary remarks E. Caroli
14:05 – 14:25 What do we know about the thermal regime of sedimentary basins? Jean-Luc Rudkiewicz , IFP-EN

Study case #1: Bassin Parisien / Paris basin
Towards a new standard in well architecture and wireline logging in the Paris basin: the Cachan pilot site approach
14:25 – 14:45 Well architecture, drilling/geosteering ; Mélanie Davaux GPC-IP, Pierre Ungemach, Geofluid
14:45 – 15:10 Logging and formation evaluation ; Chiara Cavalleri, , Erik Wielemaker, SLB

Study case # 2: Fossé rhénan / Rhine graben
15:10 – 15:40 Wellbore logs in Rittershoffen, Alsace: Acquisition, analysis and integration for fractured reservoir characterization Giovanni Sosio, SLB , Régis Hehn, ES Géothermie

15:40 – 16:10 Coffee Break

Technologies / Technologies:
16:10 – 16:40 DRIMP and Pseudo Impedance as a proxy of rock properties Alfazazi Dourfaye, Dhaker Ezzedine, VAREL Intl

16:40 – 17:10 Using the Bit to Measure How Rock Reacts to Force: An In Situ Rock Mechanical Measurement , Josh Ulla , FRACTURE-ID

17:10 – 17:25 The Geothermal Industry Roger Henneberger, GeothermEx-SLB
17:25 – 17:40 Geothermal Well Logging and Analysis: Opportunities and Challenges
17:40 – 17:45 Session closure E. Caroli

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