
SPWLA France Chapter

Français : 

SPWLA France, section locale française de la Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts (SPWLA *), est une association à but non lucratif, sur participation individuelle, dont l’objet est de faire partager les connaissances, le savoir faire et l’expérience de terrain des scientifiques, ingénieurs, managers et étudiants sur les techniques d’évaluation des formations géologiques. Cela couvre les mesures de surface, subsurface et laboratoire, incluant tous les types de données obtenues au cours des opérations de forage et de logging.

De 1966, année de sa création, à  2018, l’association a porté le nom de   » S.A.I.D. » , Société pour l’Avancement de l’Interprétation des Diagraphies. Le site web la-said.org a été fermé en 2020 et remplacé par spwla-france.fr.

English : 

The SPWLA France Chapter (formerly SAID), French Chapter of the Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts (SPWLA)*, is a non-profit making professional organization aiming at sharing knowledge, know-how and fieldwork experiences among scientists, engineers, managers and students about geological formation evaluation techniques covering surface, subsurface and laboratory measurements.  It embraces all data acquisition types performed while drilling, logging or with the mean of surface surveys.

From 1966 to  2018, the chapter name was :  » S.A.I.D. » , Société pour l’Avancement de l’Interprétation des Diagraphies. The website la-said.org has been closed in 2020 and replaced by spwla-france.fr

*The Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts (SPWLA) is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to the advancement of the science of petrophysics and formation evaluation, through well logging and other formation evaluation techniques.



Election du  Conseil d’Administration et du Bureau de  SPWLA France pour  2022-2023  :  

See « Events » section  for details.

Election of the Conseil d’Administration and the new board of SPWLA France for 2022-2023 :

See « Events » section  for details.



Upcoming event: Webinar, Friday October 11th 2024, 12:00





Recent webinar technical session via Teams From the 2022-2023 SPWLA Distinguished speaker series « Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoir Characterization: A Case Study of a Mature High Pour Point Oil Field in Hungary «   by Muhammad Nur Ali de Akbar , Friday , May 19th , 2023 , 12:00 to 1:00 pm 

  • See « Events » section  for abstract and  bio of  lecturer and registration.


Recent webinar technical session :  « The Paradox of Anisotropy Generalized to Deviated Wells in Orthotropic Media  »  :  by Martin G. Lüling , Friday , April 21st , 2023  

  • See « Events » section  for abstracts,  bio and presentations of lecturers.


Recent technical session :  « ACOUSTICS »  : Friday , March 31 , 2023 , 14:00 – 18:00

Location : SGF , Société Géologique de France , Salle Van Straelen, 77 , Rue Claude Bernard, 75005 PARIS

Technical program with 4 presentations on Acoustic Imaging and Anisotropy  .

  • See « Events » section  for abstracts,  bio and presentations of lecturers.


Recent webinar technical session Tuesday , March 7 , 2023 , 12:00-13:00 , via Teams    

 » In Situ Accurate Flow Diagnostic using Innovative Ultra Compact Production Logging Tool » by Virginie SCHOEPF , Openfield Technology


Recent technical session :  Friday , January 27 , 2023 , 12:00 – 13:00pm

This technical session has taken place  at SLB SRPC , 1, Rue Becquerel, 91240 CLAMART

with the following  program : 

  • 10:00-11:00 : Borehole imagers, measurement principle and interpretation, at SRPC Showroom. Presenter: Nadege Bize Forest, SLB
  • 11:00-12:00 :  »Unsupervised Facies Pattern Recognition of Brazilian Pre-Salt Carbonate Borehole Images ». Presenter: Laura Lima, 2022- 2023 SPWLA distinguished speaker, SLB
  • Following this session , from 12:00 to 14:00pm, a friendly meeting  took place at the P.O. , Bar-Pub-Restaurant , 2 Grand Place , 92350 Le Plessis-Robinson.
  • See « Events » section  for Abstracts and Bio of presenters.


New section : Publications : « Acoustic wave and Processing »  by Jean-Luc Mari, senior geophysicist, former professor at IFP School


Past 19 technical sessions from 2015 to 2022 :

See « Events » section  for details.



######### Décès – Orbituary #############################

Patrick Renoux , le 15 Août 2021

Maurice Verdier , le 15 avril 2021

See « Events » section  for details.



Main goals

The association will propose initiatives, coordinate them and implement the necessary means to the realization of activities for the promotion of the science of the formation evaluation :


    • Diffusion of information to any interested person
    • Communication and illustration of good practices applied to oil & gas, mining and energy industries
    • Preservation and diffusion to professionals of working , technical, scientific and ethical standards
    • Setting, maintenance and promotion of the science of formation evaluation. To do so, the association organizes workshops, conferences, demonstrations, communication and training campaigns and participates to the professional networks in the field of petrophysics 


of the board 


steering commitee for 2022 – 2023 


Emmanuel CAROLI

President (2022-2023) 


Total Energies , 64  – Pau 


Ms Samira AHMAD

Vice-President  (2022-2023)

Domain Head  – Petrophysicist and Acoustics

SLB – Clamart


Jérôme LAVAL

Treasurer (2022-2023) 


IFP School,  92 Rueil-Malmaison 



Admin Secretary (2022-2023) 

Exploration Petrophysical Support team Lead

TOTAL Energies , Paris La Défense

Nadege Bize-Forest


Technical Secretary (2022-2023) 

Interpretation Geology Discipline Manager

SLB  – SRPC , Clamart


Jean-Etienne JACOLIN

Member of the CA (2022-2023) 

Petrophysicist, Wellbore Interpretation Expert

SLB – MpTC, 34 – Montpellier



Member of the CA (2022-2023) 


TOTAL Energies, Paris La Défense



Member of the CA (2022-2023) 

Petrophysicist – Retired

Ile de France  



Member of the CA (2022-2023) 


SLB – MpTC , 34- Montpellier  



VP Communications (2023-2024) 


SLB – SRPC , Clamart

Our history

Creation of a professional association called : S.A.I.D : Société pour l’Avancement de l’Interprétation des Diagraphies 


It is the first SPWLA chapter open abroad. The founding members were :

Autric André, Hossin André, Lebreton Francisque, Misk André, Pied Bernard, Poimboeuf Fernand, Poupon André, Quint Michel, Rocca Marc, Vincent René. 

in 1966

1st Annual Logging Symposium in Paris

April, 24 1972

in 1972

2nd Annual Logging Symposium in Paris

October,  15 1973

in 1973

5th European Logging Symposium in Paris

October , 20, 21 1977

in 1977

7th European Logging Symposium in Paris

October 21, 22, 23 1981

in 1981

9th International Formation Evaluation Symposium in Paris

October 24, 25, 26 1984

in 1984

12th International Formation Evaluation Symposium in Paris

October 24, 25, 26, 27 1989

in 1989

36th Annual SPWLA Logging Symposium in Paris

June, 26 – 29 1995



Program of technical sessions, Posters, Events

see Archives

in 1995

70th Anniversary of first Log ( Pechelbronn Sept 1927 )

First page in French :


Brochure in french  : ( 24 pages –  10 Mo )


in 1997

SAID chapter  :  Award of Best Chapter for 1998 during the 39th SPWLA Symposium in Oslo 

Creation of the SAID Web site

in 1999

EAGE-SAID European Symposium « Paris 2000 »

6-8 Nov 2000  

Coverpage :  EAGE_SAID_PARIS_2000_Coverpage

Paris 2000 : Program of sessions & Posters : see  » Archives « 

in 2000

80th anniversary of the First Schlumberger log in Pechelbronn

  • Technical session in Ecole Centrale de Paris
  • Trip to Pechelbronn in Alsace: Diffenbach-Les-Woerth – Merkwiller Museum  
  • Trip to Crève-Coeur en Auge in Normandy-Schlumberger  Museum 
in 2007

Last technical meeting in Pau and stand by until June 2015

in 2008

Restart of activity under impulsion of TOTAL with election of a new CA and board

Technical sessions :

  • NMR
  • Dielectric
in June 2015

Technical sessions : 

  • Borehole Geology Imaging
  • Core , Logs and Rock Types
in 2016

Election of a new CA and board for 2018 –  2019

Technical Sessions:

  • Dynamic Reservoir Evaluation
  • Paper NNN – CCC (SPWLA Symposium 2016 )
  • Introduction to Big Data & Machine learning in Petrophysics
in 2017

Signature of the SPWLA Charter.

SAID renamed « SPWLA France Chapter »

Creation of SPWLA France web site

Technical Sessions  :

  • Borehole Seismic
  • Geothermics
in 2018

Technical Sessions : 

  • Formation Evaluation in Unconventionnal
  • Petrophysical Interpretation Software Solutions
  • ( CGG Geosoftware, LR, Emerson, Voxaya, Schlumberger)
in 2019

New SPWLA France by-Laws ( Statuts) with Réglement Intérieur / RGPD Chart & Ethic Chart

New CA(*) and Board for 2020 & 2021

Technical Sessions : 

  • Back To Basics : LQC and Log Interpretation
      • Log Quality Control , easy as 1-2-3 ; Martin Storey
      • Lifting the Fog of Confusion Surrounding Deterministic Petrophysics ; Paul Spooner
  • Delineating the Geothermal Structure and Flow Properties in a Sub-horizontal Well; Eric Wielemaker
in 2020

Technical Sessions : 

  • Pressure Testing and Sampling
  • Gas Storage 
  • Rock Typing in clastic reservoirs 
in 2021

New CA and Board for 2022 & 2023

Technical Sessions : 

  • Identification of Breakout behind Casing – L.Mosse
  • ….

For Upcoming events and for  content of technical sessions from 2015 to 2022  : Events

For content of technical sessions for 1995 and from 2000 to 2007 : Archives

* CA : Conseil d’Administration

in 2022