
Upcoming events :

Seminar:  The Future of Formation Evaluation, Thursday December 5th, 2024, 14:00

The SPWLA France chapter will hold a seminar exploring various aspects of the future of formation evaluation, providing valuable insights and discussions.


Technical Presentations:


  1. Keynote speech / Métaux, le nouvel or noir, Benjamin Louvet, OFI Invest
  2. Sustainable Lithium Production – From Pore-to-Product, Sharad Dubey, SLB Critical Minerals Global BDM
  3. Reservoir Fluid Properties From Cuttings: An Innovative Synergy of Gel Permeation Chromatography and Data Analytics, Alexandra Cely, Equinor
  4. Obtaining Remaining Oil Saturation For The Johan Sverdrup Field From a Variety of Logging Data, Brice Fortier, Equinor
  5. Wellbore Evaluation for Well Decommissioning, Pierre CHUILON, TotalEnergies


Location : Virtual (via Microsoft Teams) due to a general strike in France on December 5th


Registration: Required. Please send a request with your name and company to:


Abstracts and presenter’s bio : here



Recent past event: Webinar – Friday October 11th 2024, 12:00

From the 2024-2025 SPWLA distinguished speaker series Alexandre Perrier, SLB Geologist,  will present:

« Enhanced AI-Driven Automatic Dip Picking in Horizontal Wells Through Deep Learning Clustering, and Interpolation in Real Time »

Abstract and  Bio of presenter :   SPWLA-2024-0049_Abstract_Biography.pdf

As it will be a webinar session via Teams , for registration, if you did not receive an invitation ,  send a request via an email with name &  company to :

Comme il s’agit d’une session web via Teams, pour vous inscrire, si vous n’avez pas reçu d’invitation, envoyez une requête par mail, avec nom et compagnie, à :



Recent past event: Seminar, Geothermal Energy , Friday June 28th, 2024 

The SPWLA France will hold an in-person seminar covering various facets of Geothermal Energy, providing valuable insights and discussions.

Location :  SLB  – SRPC , Services Techniques Schlumberger ,  1 Rue Becquerel, 91240 CLAMART.


Technical Presentations:


    1. New insights in geothermal reservoir using 3D far field sonic imaging, Leon Dahlhaus, SLB
    2. Oblique reflections in Dogger aquifer below GGR5 well, Benoit Vincent, Cambridge Carbonate
    3. Development of geothermal energy in areas with low transmissivity and/or in areas with a high density of operations, Miklos Antics, GPC IP/GEOFLUID
    4. Celsius – shallow geothermal integrated systems, Ombeline Le Marechal, Celsius / SLB
    5. Integrated modelling of an EGS site, from concept to production: the case of Utah FORGE, Giovanni Sosio, SLB
    6. HF-HR VSP results in geothermal GGR5 well, Charles Naville, IFPEN, VSPROWESS, CDPconsulting, ASL
    7. Full-wave inversion results for offset VSP data in geothermal GGR5 well, Christophe Barnes, CYU
    8. Integrated workflow over the entire geothermal value chain, Stavros ARSENIKOS, BeicipFranlab
    9. Celsius facility visit, Hugo Mantel, Celsius / SLB


Abstracts and presenter’s bio : here


Registration: Required. If you did not receive an invitation, please send a request with your name and company to:




Recent past event: Webinar, Tuesday 14th May, 2024, 15:00 – 16:00 , via Teams

Join SPWLA France as we embark on a series dedicated to geothermal energy!


We cordially invite you to attend our first talk ‘Next Generation Geothermal Systems


Speaker: Benoit Deville, Geothermal Technology Director at SLB


Abstract and  Bio of presenter :   Abstract_Biography.pdf


As it will be a webinar session via Teams , for registration, if you did not receive an invitation ,  send a request via an email with name &  company to :





Recent past event: Friday , March 22, 2024 , 09:45 – 17:30 , In-person

Seminar – Carbon Capture and Sequestration : A New World of Petrophysical Applications.


In-person presentations at the Société Géologique de  France (SGF), Paris.




  • CCS Technical Challenges and Regulatory Context
  • CCS Sites Screening: Identifying Suitable Locations
  • CCS in Depleted Fields: Maximizing Efficiency
  • CCS in aquifers: Sustainable Solutions
  • Geomechanics applied to CCS: Understanding Subsurface Challenges
  • Measurements, Monitoring and Verification (MMV) technologies for CCS: Ensuring Effectiveness
  • CCS and Well Integrity, Monitoring: Safeguarding Operations


Presentations details and Abstracts :  Agenda and Abstracts.pdf

Registration is required, if you did not receive an invitation please send a request via an email with name &  company to :

Recent past event : Friday , February 23, 2024 , 15:00 – 16:00 , via Teams


From the 2023-2024 SPWLA Distinguished speaker series « Salinity Effect on CO2 Solubility in Live Formation Water Under Reservoir Conditions  » by Jie Wang, Intertek

Abstract and  Bio of presenter :   SPWLA-2023-2024_Abstract_Biography.pdf



As this will be a webinar session conducted via Teams,  if you have not received an invitation, please send a registration request via email, including your name &  company details to:



Recent past event 2024 : Friday , January 26, 2024 , 12:00 – 13:00 , via Teams 

Lunch & Learn webinar

From the 2023-2024 SPWLA Distinguished speaker series « Changing the Game: Well Integrity Measurements Acquired on Drillpipe  » by Andy Hawthorn, Baker Hughes

Abstract and  Bio of presenter :   SPWLA-2023-2024_Abstract_Biography.pdf


As this will be a webinar session conducted via Teams,  if you have not received an invitation, please send a registration request via email, including your name &  company details to:


Recent past event: Friday 15th December 2023, 13:45-18:00

Half day Seminar on Nuclear Measurements and Its Applications


5 in-person presentations at the Société Géologique de  France (SGF), Paris.


  • Outils de mesure nucléaire en diagraphie utilisés et en développement pour l’exploration et l’exploitation des mines d’Uranium by Youcef BENSEDIK, Romain MIESZKALSKI, Hervé TOUBON. Orano


  •  Development of gamma and neutron probes for uranium mining applications by Bertrand PEROT, CEA and Valentin FONDEMENT. CEA


  • High resolution LWD spectroscopy and its new mineralogy derived from a neural network approach by Rubi RODRIGUEZ. SLB


  • Experimental Validation of a Sigma Log Simulator in a Cased-Hole Environment by Geoffrey VARIGNIER. TotalEnergies


  • Pulsed Neutron logging applications by Samira AHMAD. SLB


Presentations details and Abstracts :  Agenda and Abstracts.pdf


Cocktail to celebrate the end of a great active year (after 18:00)


Registration is required, if you did not receive an invitation please send a request via an email with name &  company to :



Recent past event: Friday 17th November 2023, 12:00 

Lunch & Learn Webinar:

The Effective Diagnostic Capability of Pulsed Neutron Logging for CCS Monitoring Purposes 

Presenter: Saida Machicote – Production Petrophysicist, ENI


Abstract and  Bio of presenter :   Abstract_Biography.pdf

As it will be a webinar session via Teams , for registration, if you did not receive an invitation ,  send a request via an email with name &  company to :


Recent past event: Thursday 5th October

Dynamic petrophysics from core to logs

We have organized a Lab visit followed by a session of technical presentations at the IFP Energies Nouvelles.


1- Visit of 4 labs: CAL-X, NMR, Coreflood, Micromodels

2- Presentations:

  • NMR permeability prediction in a limestone geothermal reservoir: from cores to logs by Marc Fleury, IFPEN
  • Carbonate Texture and Capillary Trapping – New Insights from NMR by Emmanuel Caroli, TotalEnergies
  • New NMR Porosity Correction Algorithm for Steady-State Buildup Effect in Unconventional Reservoirs and DRP by George Bordakov, SLB

Registration required,  send a request via an email with name &  company to :

Recent past event: Friday 22nd September 2023, 15:00

From the 2023-2024 SPWLA Distinguished speaker series « A New Workflow for Assessment of Fluid Components and Pore Volumes From 2D NMR Measurements in Formations With Complex Mineralogy and Pore Structure  » 

Artur Posenato Garcia:

Abstract and  Bio of presenter :   SPWLA-2023-2024_Abstract_Biography.pdf

As it will be a webinar session via Teams , for registration, if you did not receive an invitation ,  send a request via an email with name &  company to :

Comme il s’agit d’une session web via Teams, pour vous inscrire, si vous n’avez pas reçu d’invitation, envoyez une requête par mail, avec nom et compagnie, à :



Recent past event: Monday June 12th 2023, 16:00

Geothermal Energy – A quick overview of Today

Together with the EAGE LC Paris and SPE France we have organized this event which is divided into a session of technical presentations followed by a visit to the Geothermal demonstrator from SLB in Clamart.

Part 1 Geothermal Energy talks (Hybrid):

Our experts presented different aspects of geothermal energy, advances and challenges as seen from their companies and countries.


– Alexandre Stopin from BRGM

– Rebecca Bolton from CGG (presenting remotely from the UK)

– Chiaki Morelli from SLB (presenting remotely from Japan)

Part 2 Visit the Celsius Energy geothermal demonstrator (In person – Limited Seats)


Recent past webinar:  Friday May 19th 2023, 12:00

From the 2022-2023 SPWLA Distinguished speaker series « Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoir Characterization: A Case Study of a Mature High Pour Point Oil Field in Hungary  » 

Muhammad Nur Ali de Akbar:

Abstract and  Bio of presenter :   SPWLA-2022-0109_Abstract_Biography.pdf

As it will be a webinar session via Teams , for registration, if you did not receive an invitation ,  send a request via an email with name &  company to :

Comme il s’agit d’une session web via Teams, pour vous inscrire, si vous n’avez pas reçu d’invitation, envoyez une requête par mail, avec nom et compagnie, à :


Recent past event : Friday April 21st 2023 , 12:00

« The Paradox of Anisotropy Generalized to Deviated Wells in Orthotropic Media «  

Martin G. Luling , PhD. :

Abstract and  Bio of presenter :   Generalized_Paradox_Anisotropy-MGLuling_Abstract_Biography.pdf


Recent past event : « ACOUSTICS »  : Friday , March 31 , 2023 , 14:00 – 18:00

Location :  SGF , Société Géologique de France,  77 Rue Claude Bernard , 75005 PARIS .

Technical program with 4  presentations on Acoustic Imaging and Anisotropy  :


Recent past webinar event : Tuesday , March 7  , 2023 , 12:00 – 13:00 , via Teams 

« ’ In Situ Accurate Flow Diagnostic using Innovative Ultra Compact Production Logging Tool’’ by Virginie SCHOEPF , Openfield Technology .


Recent past event : Friday , January 27 , 2023 , 10:00 – 12:00 am

Location :  SLB  – SRPC , Services Techniques Schlumberger ,  1 Rue Becquerel, 91240 CLAMART  ;

Technical session with the following program :

  • 10:00-11:00 : Borehole imagers, measurement principle and interpretation, at SRPC Showroom. Presenter: Nadege Bize Forest, SLB
  • 11:00-12:00 : ”Unsupervised Facies Pattern Recognition of Brazilian Pre-Salt Carbonate Borehole Images”. Presenter: Laura Lima, 2022- 2023 SPWLA distinguished speaker, SLB
  • Abstract and Bio of presenters  : Abstract_Bio_Technical_Meeting_27Jan2023.pdf .

Following this session , from 12:00 to 14:00pm , a  friendly meeting took place at the POP , Bar -Restaurant , 2 Grand Place , 92350 Le Plessis-Robinson.


Future possible  event

Initially planned during the march 2022 technical session on  “ Behind Casing Evaluation and Interpretation” , the following presentation  : 


had to be cancelled and postponed to another date.

Abstract and Bio of Presenter  : read or download the  pdf file :





Assemblée Générale Ordinaire  : Election du Conseil d’Administration et du bureau pour  2022-2023  :  

Du 4 au 18 juillet 2022, tous les membres de  SPWLA France ont été convoqués à une Assemblée Générale Ordinaire pour voter électroniquement par le biais de l’application ElectionRunner. Cette Assemblée a été réunie dans le but de voter:

  • Les quitus moraux et financiers du précédent bureau ainsi que le projet de budget 2022-2023
  • Le renouvellement du Conseil d’Administration

Les quitus moraux et financiers ont été votés avec succès et les 9 membres candidats, listés ci-dessous, ont été élus.

Assemblée Générale Ordinaire 2022 , new CA and  new board for 2022 – 2023 

An Assemblée Générale Ordinaire ( AGO) has taken place in July 2022.  SPWLA France members have been invited to vote by internet via the electionrunner application from  4 to 18 July 2022  : The past administration and accounting from 2020 to 2022 and the future budget for 2022-2023 have been accepted.

The 9 members elected for the Conseil d’Administration for 2022 and 2023 are :

Rose-Marie Belenguer         TOTAL E&P
Emmanuel Caroli                TOTAL E&P
Hafiz Hamzah                      TOTAL E&P
Jean-Etienne JACOLIN     SLB – MpTc 
Nadège Bize-Forest             SLB SRPC Clamart

Samira Ahmad                     SLB – Paris
Yahaya Mohammed            SLB – MPTc

Jérôme Laval                     IFP School

Jacques Delalex                    Petrophysicist, Retired


Le nouveau bureau pour 2022 -2023 a été élu le 4 novembre 2022 :

The new board for 2022 – 2023 has been elected on November 4  2022 : 

President :                    Emmanuel CAROLI 
Vice-president :           Ms Samira AHMAD
Treasurer :                    Jérôme LAVAL
Admin Secretary  :       Ms Rose-Marie BELENGUER
Technical Secretary  : Ms Nadège Bize-FOREST



Assemblée Générale Extraordinaire ( AGE ) with Vote for the new Statuts in January 2020.

SAID/SPWLA France members have voted for the new Statuts of SPWLA France chapter during the AGE from January 19 to February 2nd 2020 


############ Décès – Orbituary ###########

Français :

Tristes nouvelles  :

C’est avec une extrême tristesse que nous vous annonçons la nouvelle du décès de Patrick Renoux, le 15 Août 2021 à l’âge de 68 ans. Il était Ingénieur géologue  de la promotion ENSG 1977, retraité depuis quelques années, après avoir effectué une belle carrière chez Geostock et à la CGG.

Extrêmement actif dans son métier de géoscientiste, auteur de nombreux articles et présent dans les Associations pour des présentations orales didactiques et techniques, il laisse le souvenir d’un professionnel de grande qualité.

Très érudit, éclairé et éclectique dans sa vision des cultures et des civilisations, ainsi qu’artiste-peintre à ses heures, Patrick était quelqu’un désireux d’apprendre sans relâche, d’une sorte d’envie jamais inassouvie, ainsi que de passionnant à rencontrer, à écouter, à voir ou à lire, sans se départir d’un humour constant sur les choses qui l’entouraient et sur les Hommes.

C’était aussi un grand fidèle de ses pairs Géoliens depuis sa scolarité (1974-1977) jusqu’à présent !

Il a été membre du Conseil d’Administration de la SAID de 2000 à 2005 , Vice–Président de 2002 à 2004 et il a assuré la présidence de la SAID  de mars à novembre 2002 suite à la démission de Henry Edmudson.

Il était camarade de promotion ENSG 1977 de  Sylvain Boyer et Jacques Delalex.




############ Décès – Orbituary ###########

Notre chapitre a la tristesse de vous annoncer le décès de Maurice Verdier le 15 Avril 2021, à l’âge de 87 ans.

Le chapître français SAID / SPWLA France  adresse toutes ses plus sincères condoléances à toute sa famille .

Maurice a été Vice-Président de la SAID  de 1976 à 1985 et Président de la SAID de 1986 à 1990.

Ci-joint un pdf résumant  sa carrière et sa large contribution à la SAID  et à la SPWLA  .



English :

Our chapter is sad to announce that  Maurice Verdier passed away on April 15, 2021. He was 87. 

The french SAID/SPWLA France chapter adresses all his condolences to his family .

Maurice has been VP of  SAID chapter from  1976 to  1985 and President of SAID Chapter from 1986 to 1990.

Here below a pdf with a summary of his carrer and his large contribution to SAID and  SPWLA .



Past events : 19 technical sessions from 2015 to 2022

Click on the title to read the Abstracts , Bio and Presentations